19 research outputs found

    Teaching environmental justice in the Framework for education for sustainable development in College

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    Uno de los retos actuales de la educación universitaria tiene que ver con la sostenibilidad y la justicia ambiental. Por esta razón se diseñaron distintas actividades relacionadas con la educación para la sostenibilidad con el fin de que el alumnado universitario pudiera reflexionar sobre la importancia de velar por el planeta, potenciar el pensamiento crítico y adquirir competencias sociales que sean de utilidad para el mercado laboral como la comunicación, la cooperación o la empatía. Dichas actividades se enmarcaron en una metodología cooperativa de modo que el alumnado tenía que trabajar en pequeños grupos para lograr un objetivo común. Al final del cuatrimestre se preparó una encuesta anónima para conocer la opinión del alumnado sobre determinados aspectos relacionados con la sostenibilidad y las distintas actividades llevadas a cabo. Los resultados de la encuesta muestran que el alumnado considera importante introducir temas relacionados con la justicia ambiental en la enseñanza universitaria. Además, señalan que han aprendido vocabulario y aspectos relacionados con la ecología y la sostenibilidad al realizar las actividades propuestas además de adquirir las competencias sociales señaladasOne of the current challenges of higher education has to do with sustainability and environmental justice. For this reason, different activities related to sustainable education were designed so that college students could reflect on the importance of watching over the planet, fostering critical thinking and acquiring social skills that would be useful for the labor market, such as communication, cooperation or empathy. These activities were framed in a cooperative methodology so that students had to work in small groups to achieve a common goal. At the end of the semester an anonymous survey was prepared in order to know students’ opinion about certain aspects related to sustainability and the different activities carried out. The results of the survey show that students consider important to introduce issues related to environmental justice in university education. They also note that they have learned vocabulary and aspects related to ecology and sustainability in carrying out the proposed activities in addition to acquiring the mentioned social skill

    Professional Quality of Life and Perceived Stress in Health Professionals before COVID-19 in Spain: Primary and Hospital Care

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    This study aimed to analyze the professional quality of life and the perceived stress of health professionals before COVID-19 in Spain, in primary and hospital care professionals. A cross-sectional observational study on health professionals working in health centers during the health crisis caused by COVID-19 was conducted. Professional Quality of Life (ProQoL) and Perceived Stress (PSS-14) were measured, along with socio-demographic and labor variables through an online questionnaire. A descriptive and correlation analysis was performed. A total of 537 professionals participated, both in hospital care (54.7%) and in primary care (45.3%). There was a predominance of medium Compassion Satisfaction, high Compassion Fatigue and medium Burnout. Mean scores for compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction were slightly higher in primary care, while burnout was higher in hospital care. When primary care participants were grouped by profession, significant differences were found in relation to perceived stress and to the three subscales of professional quality of life. In hospital care, the differences were observed when comparing compassion fatigue and perceived stress by gender. In addition, with respect to Burnout it was carried out by type of contract and shift and in relation to perceived stress grouped by sex, contract and profession. The COVID-19 health crisis has had an impact on mental health and the quality of professional life of health professionals. There is a need to implement long-term contingency programs aimed at improving the emotional well-being of health service professionals

    Implementación de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

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    La Red de investigación en docencia universitaria Implementación de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, comprometida con la inclusión de perspectiva de género en los estudios de Grado y Máster que en ella se imparten, y al amparo de la legislación y normativa vigentes en materia de igualdad entre mujeres y hombres, ha realizado durante el segundo cuatrimestre una propuesta de indicadores de género que pueda ser útil a todo el profesorado de la Facultad. Los indicadores están relacionados con tres aspectos: los contenidos, la bibliografía y el uso de un lenguaje inclusivo y no sexista. Estos tres elementos están siempre presentes en los materiales docentes que se ponen a disposición del alumnado. Los resultados obtenidos complementan el Objetivo 2 del Eje 2 (Docencia) del 2.º Plan de Igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres de la Universidad de Alicante, 2014-2016: “Integrar la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria. Acción 7. Impulsar la inclusión, tanto de forma específica como transversal, del significado y alcance de la igualdad de mujeres y hombres en los contenidos y competencias de los planes de estudio de grado y posgrado de la UA”

    Red “Universidad, género, docencia e igualdad”

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    La Red de investigación en docencia universitaria “Universidad, docencia, genero e igualdad” persigue avanzar en la calidad e innovación de las enseñanzas universitarias a partir de la inclusión de la perspectiva de género. Se busca dar cumplimiento a las directrices generales de los nuevos planes de estudio respecto del principio de igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres en la formación universitaria (Real Decreto 1393/2007. BOE nº 260, 30 de octubre de 2007). En la quinta edición de la Red, y dada su composición multidisciplinar, se ha trabajado en tres líneas de investigación: 1) mantenimiento del “Portal web con recursos docentes con perspectiva de género”, proyecto financiado por el Instituto de la Mujer (PACUI, 2012) e iniciado en el curso 2012-2013; 2) desarrollo de la primera versión de “iLengUA”, una herramienta informática para un discurso inclusivo e igualitario; y 3) diseño de una Guía de recomendaciones para la inclusión de la perspectiva de género en la docencia universitaria

    Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Largest HIV-1 CRF02_AG Outbreak in Spain: Evidence for Onward Transmissions

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    Background and Aim: The circulating recombinant form 02_AG (CRF02_AG) is the predominant clade among the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) non-Bs with a prevalence of 5.97% (95% Confidence Interval-CI: 5.41–6.57%) across Spain. Our aim was to estimate the levels of regional clustering for CRF02_AG and the spatiotemporal characteristics of the largest CRF02_AG subepidemic in Spain.Methods: We studied 396 CRF02_AG sequences obtained from HIV-1 diagnosed patients during 2000–2014 from 10 autonomous communities of Spain. Phylogenetic analysis was performed on the 391 CRF02_AG sequences along with all globally sampled CRF02_AG sequences (N = 3,302) as references. Phylodynamic and phylogeographic analysis was performed to the largest CRF02_AG monophyletic cluster by a Bayesian method in BEAST v1.8.0 and by reconstructing ancestral states using the criterion of parsimony in Mesquite v3.4, respectively.Results: The HIV-1 CRF02_AG prevalence differed across Spanish autonomous communities we sampled from (p < 0.001). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 52.7% of the CRF02_AG sequences formed 56 monophyletic clusters, with a range of 2–79 sequences. The CRF02_AG regional dispersal differed across Spain (p = 0.003), as suggested by monophyletic clustering. For the largest monophyletic cluster (subepidemic) (N = 79), 49.4% of the clustered sequences originated from Madrid, while most sequences (51.9%) had been obtained from men having sex with men (MSM). Molecular clock analysis suggested that the origin (tMRCA) of the CRF02_AG subepidemic was in 2002 (median estimate; 95% Highest Posterior Density-HPD interval: 1999–2004). Additionally, we found significant clustering within the CRF02_AG subepidemic according to the ethnic origin.Conclusion: CRF02_AG has been introduced as a result of multiple introductions in Spain, following regional dispersal in several cases. We showed that CRF02_AG transmissions were mostly due to regional dispersal in Spain. The hot-spot for the largest CRF02_AG regional subepidemic in Spain was in Madrid associated with MSM transmission risk group. The existence of subepidemics suggest that several spillovers occurred from Madrid to other areas. CRF02_AG sequences from Hispanics were clustered in a separate subclade suggesting no linkage between the local and Hispanic subepidemics

    Preliminary evaluation of a new kit for differentiation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species using Speed-Oligo MTBC.

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    We present the first evaluation of a novel molecular assay, the Speed-Oligo Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (SO-MTBC), which is based on PCR combined with a dipstick for the differentiation of M. tuberculosis complex (MTBC) members. The results of this assay were compared with findings obtained using the Genotype MTBC assay. In this study, 189 strains of MTBC isolates from 2011 to 2014 were evaluated to determine the MTBC species. Most (174, 92 %) of the strains were identified as M. tuberculosissensu stricto, 7 (3.7 %) as Mycobacteriumbovis, 5 (2.6 %) as M. bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin, 2 (1.1 %) as Mycobacteriumafricanum and 1 (0.5 %) as Mycobacteriumcaprae; no strains belonged to Mycobacteriummicroti and Mycobacteriumcanettii subsp. The concordance κ coefficient obtained was 0.96 with the results of the Genotype MTBC assay. SO-MTBC may represent a fast and easy-to-use alternative for differentiating among MTBC subspecies in laboratories with standard equipment